Booth-Fickett K-8 was the host site for two Thanksgiving meal giveaways last weekend in an effort led by the Levi Wallace Foundation and the African-American Students Services Department of the Tucson Unified School District.
The Tucson High product returned to his hometown in March to host a youth football camp. More than 300 local kids learned from former NFL standout Brooks Reed, current NFL players Wallace and Demetrius Flannigan-Fowles and Arizona Wildcats standouts Stanley Berryhill III and Jamarye Joiner.
ALLEGHENY COUNTY, Pa. (WTAJ) – It may be the off season for the Pittsburgh Steelers, but cornerback Levi Wallace made a touchdown in at Acmetonia Elementary on Friday.
Levi Wallace, an NFL cornerback from Tucson who attended Tucson High, was on the Gridley Stadium field coordinating the drills for the more than 300 youths who particpated in the Next Gen Football Camp. The day had two sessions — younger athletes in grade school and middle school in the morning and high school players in the afternoon.
School can sometimes be a drag, but an educational show featuring an NFL football player and a professional DJ made for a fun afternoon for Acmetonia Primary School students.
Tucson Unified School District appreciates the love and support of Tucson Native and Tucson High Magnet School graduate Levi Wallace. Levi, currently a starting cornerback for the Buffalo Bills has donated thousands of dollars’ worth of food for hundreds of TUSD families.
The Levi Wallace Foundation event continues to make a profound difference toward enriching the lives of low-income youth